Who is the No 1 Army in World? (2022)

Which country has world's strongest military?

Who is the No 1 Army in World?

Here is the list of 20 most powerful countries by military Strength in 2022. Rankings was revealed by Global Fire Power.

1. United States

2. Russia

3 China

4. India

5. Japan

6. South Korea

7. France

8. United Kingdom

9. Pakistan

10. Brazil

11. Italy

12. Egypt

13. Turkiye

14. Iran

15. Indonesia

16. Germany

17. Australia

18. Israel

19. Spain

20. Saudi

Here is the list of 10 most powerful countries by military Strength. Rankings was revealed by Global Fire Power.

1. United States

2. Russia

3 China

4. India

5. Japan

6. South Korea

7. France

8. United Kingdom

9. Pakistan

10. Brazil

Here is the list of 5 most powerful countries by military Strength. Rankings was revealed by Global Fire Power.

1. United States

2. Russia

3 China

4. India

5. Japan


Image: Collected.

See the full list of all military power index here.

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